Hesitation Stockings, Hestiation Shoes

Sunday, October 10, 2004

She Did (high heels)

Well, the lady from the property management firm did wear her high heels again, but it was okay this time, as there is no snow around.

S. says that nothing is nothing, but jealousy is something, but you can't beat Romeo and Juliet, even if Rick takes you to a West End cinema to see a scottish film that says different. She has another admirer, only 21, who has gone off to Georgia, where S. longs to be as well.

Can't get anybody to marry me it seems.

Finished Magic Seeds by V.S. Naipaul.

This building has a cinema on the first floor; when they make popcorn you can smell it way up here on the 7th floor.

Missing Thanksgiving with the family in Surrey. Sigh.


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