Right on Mom!
My lovely Mother wrote in her blog recently suggesting that we pay more attention to the words of Jesus. What follows below is my response.
The words of Jesus - right on Mom! Let us all focus on the actual words of Jesus and disregard the words of the later professional interpreters, the crucifixion obsessed perverts of the organized churches.
The greatest teaching of Jesus, the one I return to again and again, is that the religious law of the priests and pharisees (and just would those folks be today??) is a thing of man, not God, and that each individual can try and communicate with God as best as he or she might manage, WITHOUT the inter meddling of the priests and pharisees. Indeed, one could suggest that the central message of Jesus was that there is NO OTHER WAY to seek out God than humbly, on your own, aware of your own shortcomings and so on. And those who -- not being able to face the real anxiety, the real test, of trying to contemplate God -- give up and turn instead to religious law, religious hierarchy, religious dogma, and all the rest of their complete and utter nonsense in the form of dietary rules, fashion rules, rules about behaviour that leads to them stoning adulators and other outrageous crimes, have abandoned the quest for God and are worshipping THEMSELVES and their own self-righteousness instead. It is shocking, really, to consider how far these fools have put God to one side.
In no way at all is this only a Christian phenomenon. You see a lot of it in all religions, particularly from those within each religion who want to consider themselves pure and better than their fellows (that is, fundamentalists). In the result these people wear their stupid beards or stupid clothes (whether Jew, Muslim, Christian, Mormon, sect, and so on and on, forever) to make manifest their cruel authority. It gives them, when it works, a secular and real power over others that comes from their own ambition, not from God.
That is what Jesus tried to save us from. So, yes, if we focus on the words of Jesus we all may get a little closer to God. Right on!
The words of Jesus - right on Mom! Let us all focus on the actual words of Jesus and disregard the words of the later professional interpreters, the crucifixion obsessed perverts of the organized churches.
The greatest teaching of Jesus, the one I return to again and again, is that the religious law of the priests and pharisees (and just would those folks be today??) is a thing of man, not God, and that each individual can try and communicate with God as best as he or she might manage, WITHOUT the inter meddling of the priests and pharisees. Indeed, one could suggest that the central message of Jesus was that there is NO OTHER WAY to seek out God than humbly, on your own, aware of your own shortcomings and so on. And those who -- not being able to face the real anxiety, the real test, of trying to contemplate God -- give up and turn instead to religious law, religious hierarchy, religious dogma, and all the rest of their complete and utter nonsense in the form of dietary rules, fashion rules, rules about behaviour that leads to them stoning adulators and other outrageous crimes, have abandoned the quest for God and are worshipping THEMSELVES and their own self-righteousness instead. It is shocking, really, to consider how far these fools have put God to one side.
In no way at all is this only a Christian phenomenon. You see a lot of it in all religions, particularly from those within each religion who want to consider themselves pure and better than their fellows (that is, fundamentalists). In the result these people wear their stupid beards or stupid clothes (whether Jew, Muslim, Christian, Mormon, sect, and so on and on, forever) to make manifest their cruel authority. It gives them, when it works, a secular and real power over others that comes from their own ambition, not from God.
That is what Jesus tried to save us from. So, yes, if we focus on the words of Jesus we all may get a little closer to God. Right on!
most higher power religions were created when the general population knew very little about the world... when people believed in magic and that anything unusual or out of the ordinary was the work of "the devil"... I find it amusing and sad at the same time that theres still alot of people out there who are too afraid to question a religion where rule dictates that stoning your daughter to death is the only way to restore your honor after she was seen speaking with another man of a slightly different religion...
Anonymous, at 9:45 AM
Well written Rick.
Sandra, at 6:01 AM
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