A woman's breasts are her second face.
This "insight" (if that is what it is) struck me the other night. Reflecting later, I realized it is close to Desmond Morris and his theory in Naked Ape that the breasts are more prominent with human females, as opposed to other mamals, as part of the shift to humans standing up right, and making the breasts, as opposed to swollen and coloured gentalia/buttocks, as the sign of sexual maturity.
see below: from h
ttp://www.eros-london.com/articles/2004-12-14/trivia1214/Look around the animal kingdom. You won't find a mammal that has enlarged breasts unless they are producing milk to feed their young. Sure, their nipples are always present, but the breasts are enlarged only while fulfilling their function of nourishing offspring. Why is the female human so well-endowed throughout adult life?
According to Desmond Morris, author of The Naked Ape, when humankind began to walk erect, there were some fundamental changes in the presentation of the sexual structures. As we moved away from the rest of the primates on the evolutionary tree, not only did we lose most of our primate ancestor's hair, but the female body parts that attracted the male primates were also reoriented forward and upward.
Most primates copulate with the male entering from behind. Therefore, the female ape's buttocks are presented to the male as a sexual attractant. Walking around on all fours, the rear end was the most visible place for this sexually attractive body structure to be located. However, when humans stood up and walked on two legs, the front of the body, which faces those we are communicating with, would be a more strategic place for the parts to move. The ornaments of the primate rear end (i.e. buttocks and vulval lips) thus evolved to the front of the female.
A woman's vulva is obviously still toward the front today, but what about the buttocks? They are still on the hind end. Instead of a shifting forward of the buttocks, what Morris actually believes happened was that the breasts became enlarged to mimic the fleshy primate behind. He also theorizes that a woman's red, full lips around the mouth evolved to mimic the vulva.
The theory is that females with bigger breasts and fuller lips attracted more males than the others, and thus bred more. Over the eons, these traits were enhanced to yield the body shape we are familiar with today.
Big breasts also serve the more functional purpose as storehouses of fat for lactation and nutrients during times of hardship. Breasts are primarily made up of fat. For this reason, you don't see many skinny women with big bosoms unless they have been artificially augmented.
While big breasts are worshipped by some today, they did have some evolutionary drawbacks. Among their major drawbacks, they tended to flop about while running, obstruct the woman's view while bending to gather food, could even suffocate an infant, and are quite sensitive.