Hesitation Stockings, Hestiation Shoes

Saturday, January 15, 2005


Well, finally, finally got to gym. Struggled to do 25 minutes, 300 calories. Now home and feeling weak. Afraid to soak in the tub lest I faint. 90.5 kilos ... so, not good; gained 4 kilos in a month. Been eating somewhat indiscriminately lately trying to keep up blood sugar and health, etc.

Last week: went to Dettah; went to Ndilo.

Made my coffee this morning. R showed me her outfit for exercise. And a cigarette.

J & A may not be "&" anymore in Mumbai.

Lucas's first birthday party today.

Sent an email to Clayton the guitar set up guy in Vancouver.

Got the bill for the trip to Trinidad.

Waiting for the night when I can see Sh again on messenger. She wants to see me each night. She says, "love you". But she won't marry me, even if I win the lottery, so I won't bother winning. I guess.


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